Peach Frozen Yogurt with Balsamic and Brown Sugar

A healthier alternative to ice cream, this gourmet treat has a Greek yogurt base.

Serves: 8 Save

Ingredients (4)

  • 5 peaches, peeled
  • 1 1/2 cup raw or brown sugar
  • 1-2 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
  • 1 quart full-fat plain Greek yogurt


  1. Cut peaches into bite-sized chunks. Place in a glass or stainless bowl. Sprinkle with sugar and balsamic vinegar. Stir to combine. Cover and refrigerate overnight.
  2. Combine Greek yogurt with peach mixture in a large bowl. Mix well. Pour into ice cream freezer and churn according to manufacturer's instructions. Eat immediately or within an hour or so for soft serve. Makes about 6 cups.

Discover fascinating facts and health benefits about some of the ingredients in the recipe, including other delicious recipes!